Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Peru’s Natural Resources Peru has many natural resources that all the countries need like oil and gold. A big natural resource is there logging which has brought in lots of money for a long time. Some area has been cleared of trees and some of the trees are used for cedar and mahogany to build furniture and boat building (examples). Many of the mountain forests are cut down and most of Peru’s forests are not cut down since it would be too expensive to transport the trees over the mountains. Another natural resource is mining done in the mountains. Mining makes lots of money by natural resources and some metals are copper, silver, and gold. The usual people that are hired are natives (people that live there) since they’re used to the air level. Another natural resource is gold found in the jungle. Peru has attracted lots of adventurers in search for their gold. The first gold seekers were the Spanish which took lots of gold from the Incas (an old tribe that lived in Peru). When people were searching for gold they would make temporary cities. A natural resource that all countries wish they had is oil and Peru has lots of oil. There are large oil deposits (harvests) in Peru. Some of the first oil deposits are in the northern parts of the deserts. There have been many oil wells drilled in the northern parts of the rain forest. Once the oil has been dug out it is transported through pipelines that cross the mountains. The last natural resource I will be talking about is a very odd resource and the resource is guano (bird poop). The poop had piled up on some islands for thousands of years and then where harvested. The birds name is Guanay and the poop is used as fertilizer (like cow poop). Today the guano harvests are much smaller and part of that reason is the bird is endangered because of the lack of anchovies which were over fished.

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